Ensuring affordable, long term, and environmentally sound disposal of MSW

What are the advantages of the MWS?

The technology at MWS has many advantages compared with other alternatives reviewed by the MRC.  Of particular note are the following:

  • The facility converts organic wastes into high-value Refined Natural Gas (RNG) without needing a new region-wide system to collect organic materials separately from other wastes.
  • The facility uses an anaerobic digestion for organics but also optical shorters to recover recyclable materials. Recovered recyclable materials will be clean with little contamination, thereby maintaining Maine’s tradition and reputation for producing high-quality recyclable materials.
  • As a regional facility, it offers the capability to make use of technologies, market opportunities, and environmental control measures at a scale that is not available or feasible for use by individual communities or groups of communities in the MRC service territory. By continuing to work together through the MRC, communities can accomplish far more than if each were to pursue an individual solution.  Likewise, the more there are that join together, the more successful the project will be.
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